Your Personalized Tarotscope for November 18th – 24th, 2024

weekly tarotscope november 18

Out of all of the weeks in 2024, you should know that for many, this is perhaps one of the most anticipated!

Pluto, astrological planet of transformation and change, moves into humanitarian and trailblazing Aquarius on the 19th — entering a twenty-year cycle of reinventing our dreams and expectations for the future.

Pluto’s movement is no joke! This is a long-awaited, major event that means big changes for the collective.

Depending on your perspective, this can sound like an intimidating (or perhaps very exciting) week. We recognize that the need for guidance and clarity is all the more prominent.

Here’s your weekly energy debrief from the Tarot to get us set off on that right foot!

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for November 18 – 24, 2024


The Sun (Reversed)

Aries, know this: the joy must be cultivated from within.

The Sun reversed points to deeper dissatisfaction and a disconnect from the self. You’re searching for fulfillment and a stronger understanding of yourself and what brings you joy, but it suddenly all seems so elusive.

Right now, it’s tempting to look outside of yourself for distractions and external validation.

However, this is a time of reconnecting with your true soul, Aries. Yes, this is intense. But as the sign of the warrior, it’s a battle you’re equipped to handle right now.


The Magician

Taurus doesn’t have anything new coming to them this week… they’re making that new energy this week!

The Magician shows you standing in your creative power. This is the time to embrace your entrepreneurial, innovative spirit and show up confidently with all forms of self-expression.

Taurus is stereotyped as a homebody or leaning toward the quieter side. But we both know that you also have a creative side that yearns to be seen just as equally.

This week, let it shine!


8 of Wands

Are you ready for the pace to speed up, Gemini?

If not, the 8 of Wands might come as an unwelcome surprise.

But if you’re prepared for some zippy communication, fast-paced events, and opportunities that come and go quickly with vibrance and passion… well, this is your week.

Send off those texts, schedule those workouts, and say “yes” to those outings. Kick up the speed — everything is in high gear right now, and it’s best to match that energy (or you may get left behind).


8 of Pentacles

Cancer, hard work can take you farther than you sometimes anticipate.

Although the 8 of Pentacles isn’t exactly a glamorous card — focusing on determined, devoted practical work, and scheduled order — it can be a necessary part of the path to abundance and material abundance.

You’re finding your flow in these processes this week. Although the results aren’t materializing just yet, you should be able to slowly but surely feel the fruits of your labor accumulating into something good.

Trust the process. Most importantly, trust your process.


6 of Cups (Reversed)

Leo, the past is in the past. There isn’t any use in looking back on it now.

The 6 of Cups reversed is a reminder that the present and future require your attention, no matter how seductive memories and nostalgia of the past may be right now.

It can be easy to find escapism in nostalgia, but this week is all about regrounding yourself into the present.

How will you make space for that much-needed grounding this week?


10 of Pentacles

Virgo, you’ve always been known as quite the force of stability for others.

This week, you’re focusing on cultivating that energy for yourself.

With the 10 of Pentacles, it’s time to look at the legacy, abundance, and material success that you seek — and really manifest the steps and opportunities needed in order to access that for yourself.

Chances are, it’s all a lot closer than you think. All you need is to focus, trust, believe… and work hard, but Virgo usually has that part down already!


6 of Wands

Libra, it’s your time to shine and take the spotlight.

The 6 of Wands is a card of recognition and social success. This is a great week for stepping up to the plate for important conversations, grabbing the (even metaphorical) microphone at any events, and… well, shooting your shot!

The world is responding well to your presence right now, so long as you continue to radiate the usual charisma, confidence, and warmth that you always do.



Last week Scorpio was resting and restoring their energy… and this week, you can see why that was all so essential.

With Justice up your sleeve, clarity and order have finally found you. You see multiple perspectives at once now, closer to finding the truth and landing on proper answers more than ever.

With such a clear mind and heart, this is a great week for speaking your mind, facilitating conversations, and signing off on anything important that had been previously lingering around, undecided.


King of Pentacles (Reversed)

Sagittarius, stability and security aren’t easy things to find… but they’re even harder when you try to force them through.

The King of Pentacles reversed shows you wrestling with your own sense of control—who you feel you are in work, career, finances, and material things.

Feeling destabilized in these areas can make you feel insecure as a person; it’s not just about the stuff but also what it represents.

This week, be kind to yourself and recognize that truth. There is no shame in feeling uncertain or unstable in this area of life. You will pick yourself up and find the way forward with time, patience, and grace.


The Hermit (Reversed)

Capricorn, wisdom is found in many places… but that might not be the right focus this week.

The Hermit reversed illuminates the theme of truth — where you can find it, how you feel it resonating within you, and how you identify with it.

The reversal can create fogginess, confusion, and uncertainty in this area, but it can also push you to live your life and make decisions without being as “well-informed” or intuitively confident in an objective truth.

Sometimes, not knowing the answer and jumping out of your shell into spontaneity can be the “right answer” in its own way. Don’t resist this too hard, Capricorn.


4 of Wands (Reversed)

Aquarius isn’t finding the connection and celebration they may seek.

However, just because the 4 of Wands reversed complicates your friendships and relationships with others, the lack of stability and fulfillment in this area can also reveal necessary weak spots before you proceed with commitments.

Sometimes, some reflection and re-examination of your support systems (before you really need them) can be a blessing in disguise.

This week may be a bit lonelier, but it paves the way for more satisfying connections later.


The Empress

Pisces, abundance takes many forms. This week, you are abundance!

In other words, The Empress highlights the love, beauty, and creativity that truly stems from within you.

You may be searching for material and spiritual opportunities right now, but know that you have the power to manifest and create them all as we speak. 

Plant the seeds for your future this week and you may find a beautiful, bountiful garden just soon after.

How to Prepare for Pluto Entering Aquarius

Your Tarotscope can help you center on essential guidance on a more personal level. Zoning in on our particular zodiac signs can make the cards even more resonant than usual.

However, some things are best explored at a wider level, too. Understanding the world around you, the stars, the planets, and the Universe — sometimes means going big.

This can seem overwhelming, but we’ve narrowed that process down to some easy steps.

Looking for more insights? Discover the real meaning behind your birth chart right now.

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