Your Weekly Tarotscope for October 21st – 27th, 2024

weekly tarotscope october 21

Changes are brewing… and if you don’t ride the waves, you may only catch the storm. As the Sun moves into the broody, moody, and emotionally attuned sign of Scorpio on the 22nd, it’s time to tune in with ourselves on a deeper level… intuitively, spiritually, and beyond!

Scorpio season can have a reputation for plunging us into our deepest emotional depths even when we’re not quite ready, so don’t be alarmed when the tides of transformation come knocking on your door this week.

Worried? Don’t be! Check in with the guidance of the Tarot to prepare yourself for the times ahead.

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for October 21 – 27, 2024


7 of Swords (Reversed)

Aries still has the tricky 7 of Swords on the table for them… but it’s not quite the same this week.

Last week, this card warned against getting caught up in seductive shortcuts, mischief, and tricky communications.

However, the reversal signals that some Aries are ready to move on and avoid the drama, making active steps to push this energy out of their system. And other Aries may be feeling this discomfort seep in, internalizing unsavory energy that isn’t truly theirs.

Either way, the effects of the drama are starting to come to fruition. How will you protect your peace?


Queen of Wands

Taurus, confidence is key. And this week, it should be your primary focus!

As the Queen of Wands is all about embracing that inner fire and allowing your creative, vibrant, and adventurous spirit shine through, now is not the time to shy away.

You should be prepared to step up to the plate, allow yourself to take up space, and move confidently with your own instincts.

In other words… be yourself, Taurus! And do it loudly and proudly, too.


Page of Wands (Reversed)

Feeling antsy and restless isn’t something that Gemini is unfamiliar with.

However, this week, the Page of Wands reversed creates that discomfort at an even more noticeable level.

You have a lot of energy and ideas that you’d like to use and execute, but you’re hitting burnout more frequently right now, and motivation is scattered and unpredictable.

Honor how you feel and what you want, but don’t force yourself into anything too intense right now, Gemini.


King of Swords (Reversed)

Cancer, sometimes the answer isn’t for you to find.

Although the King of Swords can usually be a beacon of clarity, intellect, and strong insight, the reversal of this card points to overthinking and a potential misuse of your mental energy.

You may be tempted to get everything squared away all at once — conversations, plans, and problem-solving.

But now is not the time to rush into any of that. This week, your key to success is actually patience.


10 of Cups (Reversed)

Leo, happiness is not as far as it seems.

But with the 10 of Cups reversed on the table for you, it may be harder to believe this truth right now.

Suddenly, your intuitive connection to your hopes and long-term aspirations may feel more distant. It’s harder to feel more aligned with what truly makes you happy and content.

This week can be an uncomfortable one emotionally, but it can also be an opportunity to reflect, go inward, and reflect on what truly fulfills you.


8 of Wands

Virgo is finally picking up some momentum again.

After last week’s stagnant energy, the 8 of Wands is a welcomed shift into a faster pace of communication, energy, and adventure.

Motivation is running higher, and conversations seem to be happening with more chemistry, ease, and interest. Now is the time to say what’s on your mind and go with your gut.

In fact, this week may go by faster than you’re expecting, so take advantage of it while you can!


6 of Wands

Libra, the glory is yours for the taking!

The 6 of Wands points to this week being one of celebration, excitement, and positive momentum all in your direction.

Some Libras may be literally rewarded or celebrated this week, while others may just notice more attention being devoted toward their efforts and ideas.

So, while the spotlight is on you, what will you do with it?


9 of Pentacles (Reversed)

Scorpio isn’t getting much time for themselves lately, and it’s starting to sting.

The 9 of Pentacles reversed can especially create angst and stagnancy in work, finances, and the home.

You have been putting in the work but aren’t seeing as much return on investment as you’d like. Plus, it feels like none of your achievements actually have their time in the sun for proper celebration.

This week can be a tough one for these reasons but know that, like all phases and seasons, this will pass with time and patience.


The Empress

Sagittarius’ week is full of abundance and sweetness… cultivated by none other than themselves.

The Empress shows you embracing your creative, abundant, and visionary capabilities.

This card’s power lies in the truth that as long as you love what you do and believe in yourself and others, everything will work out as it is meant to. You are moving with the flow of nature rather than against any currents.

As a result, this week can be especially fruitful for any Sagittarian ventures, projects, and important relationship advancements in your life.


Knight of Pentacles (Reversed)

Capricorn is still hitting roadblocks this week, but this time, it’s coming from within.

After it’s been feeling like the world is determined to slow you down, the Knight of Pentacles reversed notes that you yourself now are feeling slow and uncertain.

It’s especially hard to get work done, manage your time properly, or feel like you’re making financial headway right now.

While it’s important to honor your feelings and be honest with your frustrations, don’t allow yourself to believe that this will be forever.


Wheel of Fortune (Reversed)

Aquarius, when the Universe doesn’t seem like it’s on your side, it’s time to take a step back and recalibrate.

Seeing the Wheel of Fortune reversed can seem like a message of doom and misfortune, but this upside-down card actually gives you the heads-up that something needs to be put back in order.

Maybe it’s your trust in yourself, or maybe it’s your alignment with your true values and goals.

Are you going after your truest dreams and ambitions, or have you been putting life on hold?



Pisces, believe it or not, you have everything you need.

Strength reminds you of your biggest assets — your own heart, values, mind, ambition, and dreams.

You have brought yourself to this point and overcome so much already to be at this point in your journey. This week is all about honoring who you are, your story, and embracing yourself with kindness and compassion.

That warmth will be felt and experienced by others around you, and joy and opportunity may follow.

How to Succeed in Scorpio Season

Reading your weekly Tarotscope is actually a fantastic way to get a head start on the intuitively-potent energy of this week’s vibe.

Scorpio season, after all, is all about connecting with that inner world (and maybe even seeing into the unseen… if you vibe with that).

However, you don’t have to start and stop here. Here are some of our favorite ways to prepare:

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