Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for October 7th – 13th, 2024

weekly tarotscope october 7

Right now, your focus should be found through the biggest lens you can find. In other words, look at those outer planets first, and you’ll pick up on this week’s central themes! Jupiter will go into retrograde on the 9th, slowing down opportunities but also magnifying where true luck and good fortune in your life should already exist.

Additionally, with Pluto going direct in Capricorn on the 11th, goals, change, and expectations you previously had held can come back into focus.

With the energy at hand being so large and far-reaching, it can be difficult to know how exactly it’ll pan out for you on a personal level. That’s why we check in with the Tarot to see what’s at stake!

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for October 7 – 13, 2024


The Hierophant

Aries, knowledge is in the air… but you don’t have to look very hard to find it.

The brave and bold ram is known for their take no prisoners, go-getter approach, and it can be tempting to run straight ahead into inventing new answers and searching for fresh ideas.

However, The Hierophant suggests that this week’s best information, answers, and opportunities exist in familiar places.

Seek out a library, the words of an old friend, or a respected teacher, for instance. There is magic in the unknown but plenty of glory in the known, too.


5 of Cups (Reversed)

Taurus, moving on isn’t easy. But it’s still necessary.

The 5 of Cups reversed asks you to carry on with this task — pushing forward, making headway, and letting go of lingering resentments or bottled-up emotional energy from the past.

You’re resisting progress and change, and we get how uncomfortable it can be to let go of the familiar.

But it’s time to see what lies beyond. The future only gets further away as you sit with the past.


Temperance (Reversed)

Gemini, your phrase of the week should be: “finding composure.”

Temperance reversed signals that you’re out of balance. You may be feeling less inspired, more impatient, spiritually drained, and internally confused.

However, you’re still more than capable of flipping this card upside down and becoming the exact opposite — inspired, patient, spiritually attuned, and self-aware.

You need to trust that these things are closer than they seem. Just start with one piece at a time before trying to solve the whole puzzle.


10 of Wands (Reversed)

Cancer, is destroying what you currently have worth the slight chance at making unforeseen progress later?

The 10 of Wands reversed asks that you consider this question carefully. You may have been biting off more than you can chew and adding unnecessary responsibilities to your plate for a while.

As a result, this card prompts you to loosen your grip on what you’re currently holding, even if you feel that it all may offer some benefit down the line.

Just because you’ve come this far does not actually mean you have to keep going. Break the cycle today.


8 of Pentacles (Reversed)

Leo doesn’t have the productive spirit they may be hoping for this week.

On the one hand, the 8 of Pentacles reversed signals that you’re likely going to stagnate with work, finances, and any goals related to the home.

On the other hand, this slowness can actually be beneficial for rethinking your steps, contemplating your current plans, and identifying any potential problems before you proceed with action and haste.

Find a way to turn the moments of pause into something productive, too, Leo!


6 of Cups

Virgo, the past sometimes contains more answers than we give it credit for.

That is the theme of your week ahead, as the 6 of Cups — also known as the “nostalgia card” — suggests that reminiscing down memory lane can actually do you some good this week.

This isn’t about dwelling on what once was, nor is it about digging up anything unnecessarily.

But if you feel a tug toward your inner child, a lost memory, or a dream you once buried long ago, now is the time to hold space for it in the present.


The World (Reversed)

Libra is trying to see the bigger picture, but suddenly, their lens just feels so foggy.

The World reversed creates an overwhelming feeling of disconnect, as if you are so far removed from your larger purpose and goals that you’re no longer sure how to proceed with your present routines at all.

You aren’t expected to have all of the answers, though, Libra.

Although it can be a taxing energy to reckon with right now, this card forces you to re-examine important truths about your current path and be honest about what you really need moving forward.


Knight of Wands

Scorpio comes through with the brave, exciting Knight of Wands card to brighten up their week!

Bright, charismatic, and fierce, this card portrays you as someone who is currently ready to take up serious action.

This isn’t about leadership, spotlights, or titles. It’s about being boldly yourself, taking a few risks, and operating instinctively and creatively without fear of judgment.

Embrace this attitude this week, and fortune will favor you, Scorpio.


Ace of Pentacles

Sagittarius, opportunity is just around the corner.

The Ace of Pentacles promises financial, material, career, and/or home-related benefits headed in your direction. This is a week of planting new seeds!

Although the first steps may not be glamorous or really even all that noticeable at first, rest assured that this is a time of building prosperity for the future.

Be ready to work hard, say “yes” to new things, and keep your arms open to receive.


10 of Cups (Reversed)

Capricorn is still wrestling with the question of what they truly desire.

The 10 of Cups reversed now hints that you may feel somehow further away from the answer, less certain that your current path actually aligns with your true needs, intuitive goals, and aspirations.

However, this uncertainty is actually an answer in itself. Questioning what exists can also be illuminating and revealing.

Remember that even not knowing if something is right can also be exactly what you need to re-evaluate properly.


7 of Pentacles (Reversed)

Aquarius, it’s one thing to stop and think. It’s another to… stop.

The 7 of Pentacles reversed warns against getting too comfortable in those planning stages.

It’s tempting to recalibrate, rethink, and reorganize constantly, especially when it actually prevents you from doing the necessary work to make changes and take tangible steps forward.

Are you making progress… or excuses? Be honest with yourself this week, Aquarius.


The Fool

Pisces, something beautifully new is stirring, and it all starts with you.

Expressive, experimental, and refreshing energy is afoot with The Fool in play. You’re headed down new paths, but more importantly, you feel ready to try something different now.

Yes, fresh opportunities are around the corner.

But also… a “new you” is too, if you’re ready to embrace some change.

Dive Deeper into This Week’s Energy

Your Tarot card is only the start. It’s also best to be informed in every department that the spiritual realm can offer you!

Whether your trade of choice is the Tarot itself, runes, meditation, or some other way of connecting with the Universe, finding your personal communication line can be especially helpful in accomplishing that.

Some of our favorite ways to support ourselves in the process of getting connected include:

  • Journaling
  • Morning affirmations
  • Daily Tarot card pulls

What’s your personal favorite?

Related article: Your October 2024 Tarotscopes

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