Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for September 16th – 22nd, 2024

weekly tarotscope september 16

Watch out and be ready to open your door — change is knocking. With a Lunar eclipse in Pisces on the 17th, Libra season beginning on the 22nd, with Venus moving into Scorpio on the exact same day, we aren’t catching a break when it comes to astrological shifts and changes.

However, these events have the potential to push us… into our own potential. These potent times of transformation, inner reflection, and intense emotional highs can be illuminating and expansive if we allow them to be.

How do we accomplish this? Well, it’ll vary from person to person. That’s why we check in with the Tarot for deeper clarity!

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for September 16 – 22, 2024


The Magician (Reversed)

Aries, the creative spirit is within you… even if you don’t feel connected to it right now.

The Magician emphasizes your entrepreneurial, creative, go-getter mentality, which Aries is generally known for and adored.

Reversed, you may want to put this side of yourself forward but are only hitting roadblocks and burnout this week.

This can be frustrating, but hitting the brakes for some recharging and relaxation may not be such a bad thing in the long run.


3 of Pentacles

Taurus, know this: right now, the best opportunities and progress will lie within a crowd.

The 3 of Pentacles asks you to look toward teams, community, and collaboration. You may have a lot to contribute or get done, but not all of it can be accomplished alone, whether or not you’d prefer it this way.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help, and don’t shut yourself off from receiving input from others.

You may also find that life also looks a bit brighter when you can work in a team!


Knight of Pentacles (Reversed)

Gemini, slow down and rethink before trying to check off the next box on your to-do list.

The Knight of Pentacles reversed suggests that you’re attempting to remain productive and make solid progress (especially with work, finances, and the home).

However, this may be a time that calls for planning and recalibration, not stepping forward to complete anything just yet.

Major decisions, conversations, and contracts should be put on hold. Use this week as a powerful time of reflection.


Page of Swords (Reversed)

Cancer, slow and steady, will win the race this time, actually!

Although the Page of Swords can usually be a positive light of momentum and fresh insights, the reversal indicates that you’re hitting roadblock after roadblock when you try to pursue this energy.

The key is not to rush into ideas that seem exciting or attempt to do anything out of haste.

There will be a time and a place for all of this boundless potential. For now, honor it and put a pin in it, but don’t feel the need to execute it all right away.


Knight of Cups (Reversed)

Leo needs to find love, intuitive power, and softness within their own hearts before the Universe can offer it to them externally.

That is not to say that you don’t possess these qualities.

On the contrary, the Knight of Cups reversed captures your whimsy, spark for romance, and wonderfully creative presence — just also not being devoted to the right areas right now.

Before you give away parts of yourself in order to be seen and recognized by others, just make sure you’re nourishing your own heart first.


4 of Swords

Virgo is still being called into a time of rest and rejuvenation.

It’s almost as if Virgos are known for their hard-working, constantly moving personalities! You have the true spirit of a workhorse, but now is not the time to “push through” or persevere just because you technically can.

The 4 of Swords asks you to truly take this week as a time of energetic replenishment, intentional rest, and literal sleep.

Trust us: if you rest now, your future self will thank you, Virgo!


King of Swords (Reversed)

Libra usually has a way with words… but this week, your thoughts are getting in the way first.

Right now, you need extra time to process and plan out what you want to say before you can share those thoughts eloquently, Libra.

Although the King of Swords can usually honor your strong leadership presence and communicative prowess, the reversal requires you to take a beat before speaking up too quickly.

Important conversations should turn into a memo for later — regroup and circle back!


8 of Cups (Reversed)

Scorpio is struggling to move on, even when they know it’s necessary.

The 8 of Cups isn’t always a comfortable reality. Although comfort and familiarity are valuable things, you know that you should be demanding more for yourself and seeing what else the world has to offer.

The reversal of this card suggests resistance and discomfort, and those are completely valid reactions, Scorpio.

However, you will still need to find the strength to push forward. The future is waiting for you, and it’s brighter than you could imagine.


Queen of Wands (Reversed)

Sagittarius, confidence is key… but it may not come easily right now.

The Queen of Wands reversed complicates your sense of self, prompting you to focus on insecurities and uncertainties about how you carry yourself and project your self-image into the world.

This self-reflection can be a productive thing, but it’s important not to take it too far. Wallowing in a negative thought shouldn’t be the point, either!

Find yourself again, Sagittarius, and you’ll find the path that is meant for you too.


Knight of Wands (Reversed)

Capricorn, movement, and bold changes can be appealing courses of action, but they need to be handled with grace.

The Knight of Wands reversed predicts a strange, unpredictable relationship with your own instincts this week.

You may feel compelled to try something new one day and feel entirely burnt out the day after. You may have a strong opinion about what your future should hold in one hour and second-guess yourself during the next.

This fluctuation can be uncomfortable and strange, but with patience and thoughtfulness, know that this odd tide will also pass like anything else.


9 of Swords (Reversed)

Aquarius, everything you’re wanting is on the other side of fear.

You may not feel ready just yet to leap into wide unknowns and open doors, but the 9 of Swords reversed asks you to at least let go of the fear, anxiety, and nervousness that holds you back.

You are more capable than you realize and more ready than you could ever imagine.

Don’t restrain yourself from going after something just because an inner voice tells you it’s not time. “Your time” is whenever you decide it to be so.



Pisces, the light of Judgement, calls you to the truth. Are you ready to hear it?

This card emphasizes your perspective, awareness, and ability to see what’s truly right for you… and the world around you.

Others may be relying on you for your insight and understanding this week, and you’ll have to be comfortable with the idea of relying on yourself too!

This week, you call the shots. Do so with grace, responsibility, and an open mind.

Your Guide to This Week’s Energy

Your weekly Tarot card is the first ingredient to the larger recipe of spiritual success for the week ahead.

What else can we add to the mix? Believe it or not, there are still many other ways we can prepare ourselves for the energy that is brewing.

Here are our recommendations for where you can start:

Related article: Your September 2024 Tarotscopes

About the Author

Picture of Lexi Hikari

Lexi Hikari

An honest Aries with a grounded Virgo Moon and Rising, Lexi Hikari picked up her first astrology book at age 12, and has loved the language of the stars ever since. She began her Tarot journey as a teenager when she was gifted her first deck by her mother and immediately fell in love with and connected quickly to the practice of card reading.Lexi founded Lightwands Tarot in 2016, and has delivered hundreds of Tarot readings, collected over a dozen decks, and crafted an abundance of Tarot card spreads since then. When she isn’t running her one-woman Tarot gig, she enjoys writing, reading, drinking too many cups of coffee, and exploring other forms of divination.You can also connect with Lexi on Instagram, Facebook, and Tumblr.

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