Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for September 23rd – 29th, 2024

weekly tarotscope september 23

Whether or not you personally connect with Libra energy, this week calls you to embrace the presence of the sign of the scales in your life. Mercury enters balancing and thoughtful Libra on the 26th, prompting our thoughts, communication, and self-expression to align with themes of patience, mediation, and order.

Don’t forget that we are just in the beginning stages of Libra season as well, newly adjusting now to this Venus-ruled sign’s need for thoughtful, peaceful action and discussion.

But how will this week’s energy pan out for you on a more personal level? Well, we’ve consulted the Tarot to find out.

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for September 23 – 29, 2024


Knight of Swords

Aries, the world awaits your next big move.

The Knight of Swords prompts you into action, communication, and decisive motion. You are called to move with your instincts and tap into your knowledge to make well-informed but fast-paced decisions.

Now is not the time for second-guessing or sitting around and waiting.

Step up to the plate and take advantage of the positive momentum that this card has to offer!


3 of Cups (Reversed)

Taurus, love, and community are important, but so is your personal peace.

Maintaining a balance between peace and prosperity and relationships with others can be difficult, especially when you feel disconnected from those around you.

The 3 of Cups reversed emphasizes this struggle and honors how odd, uncomfortable, and disjointed this energy can feel emotionally.

However, this week, you’re called to self-reflect on how you can strike this balance even when it doesn’t seem like others are willing to cooperate.


Queen of Cups (Reversed)

Gemini, your emotional resources need time to replenish themselves.

The Queen of Cups reversed hints that you may need extra alone time to recharge the batteries and reflect on how you’re actually feeling.

Some Geminis may feel completely disconnected from their hearts, and others may be feeling way too much all at once.

Either way, this is a week to set aside some time so that you can find the right balance again.


8 of Swords (Reversed)

Cancer, it’s time to shake off those chains.

You may have been holding yourself back with the 8 of Swords, not totally embracing your full potential or rejecting opportunities from a place of insecurity.

With this card coming through in reversed position, it’s time to let those impulses go and finally allow yourself to push forward… for real this time!


3 of Wands

Leo, the future awaits, and it looks bright!

The 3 of Wands offers a peek into your future successes, noting that this week is one of ripe potential, plans actually beginning to bear fruit, and optimistic energy flowing in.

While not everything is in perfect order yet, this card promises that you’re on the right track, and signs of this are finally popping up.

So don’t fear, Leo! Sunshine and smiles are in order.


4 of Pentacles (Reversed)

Virgo, you may have to give a little in order to receive anything more.

The 4 of Pentacles reversed asks you to loosen the reigns on what you’ve been holding onto — responsibilities, titles, plans for the future, or even just finances and material items.

The need for stability and security is very real and totally understandable.

However, if you let go and open your arms, you may not realize how much room you’ll actually make for new things.



Libra, are you ready to lend your insights?

Judgement asks you to trust your… well, sense of judgement, whether you feel ready to offer your perspective to the world or not.

This is a good week for making important decisions, sharing your opinion in conversations, and listening to those who may need it.

You have a lot to say, share, and express — just trust that you’re capable of doing so!


6 of Pentacles

Scorpio, this week is all about what you can share… even if you don’t think you have much to offer.

The 6 of Pentacles prompts you to look at what you have available to give to others. It may be your time, your skills, your advice, or something else.

Generosity of spirit is key, as you should be ready to give freely without much expectation of return.

However, don’t be surprised if the Universe returns the favor in some other unexpected way later down the line!


The Sun

Sagittarius, you contain more light within you than you realize.

The Sun offers a positive, optimistic, and powerfully bold light for your week ahead.

This card is all about the radiance and joy that you can get only from truly being yourself, embracing your own self-actualization, and connecting with your innermost dreams with full passion and optimism.

Remember who you really are, and from there, you’ll remember what you’re really capable of, too.


Queen of Pentacles

Capricorn abundance is about more than the material or shiny things.

In fact, the Queen of Pentacles reminds you that abundance, especially for Capricorn, is something contained within yourself.

You are a powerhouse of reliability, skillfulness, and time management — at least when you put your mind to it.

This week, you’re being prompted to remember this side of yourself and let it lead you as you navigate the world.


9 of Swords (Reversed)

Aquarius has somehow managed to land the 9 of Swords reversed twice in a row… two weeks back to back.

What does this mean? Well, the process of letting go of anxieties and releasing your nerves about the future, your identity, and your capabilities is all easier said than done.

It’s understandable that you need more time to process and progress through these difficult thoughts and feelings.

Be patient and kind with yourself as you work through shaking them off.


5 of Cups

Pisces, loss is temporary, but feelings will linger if you let them.

While the 5 of Cups acknowledges the importance of feeling your feelings and processing any difficult emotional energy that comes from heartache and defeat, you also need to ensure that this is a healthy form of exploration.

In other words, feel what you must feel, but don’t dwell here in this energy excessively.

The past must be approached with honesty and clarity, but the future waits for you, too, on the other side of that processing, Pisces.

How to Ace this Week’s Libra Energy

Your weekly Tarot card is just the start.

In the spirit of Libra season (and all its accompanying Libra energy), we think it’s best to find the balance between the astrological energy in play and the vibe that the Tarot has put forth.

As you explore the following resources, keep the presence of your Tarot card in mind and meditate on where they may intermingle:

Related article: Your September 2024 Tarotscopes

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