Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for September 30th – October 6th, 2024

weekly tarotscope september 30

Life’s major changes are rarely what we expect.

In fact, as we transition from one month to the next, you may think that the turning over of an old month to a new one is the biggest thing at hand to make note of.

But this week, a powerful Solar eclipse in Libra on the 2nd takes center stage. This transformative event can propel us into a majorly expressive, thoughtful, and potent time of identity-shifting.

What’s the best way to handle a time like this? Well, that’s why we check in with the Tarot to get our weekly guidance in advance!

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for September 30 – October 6, 2024


8 of Swords (Reversed)

Aries is loosening the restrictions that were once placed on them… even if you may have been the one who put them there initially.

The 8 of Swords reeks of self-sabotage; sometimes, you are your own worst enemy and take yourself out of running the race even when you wouldn’t have lost to begin with.

However, with this card reversed, this week is all about embracing your potential and honestly examining how you’ve been holding yourself back in life.

No more second-guessing or self-doubt! Let the wild, brave, and bold ram loose!


Page of Pentacles (Reversed)

Taurus is struggling to maintain composure, and it can be tempting to flail around in hopes of finding any ol’ solution to latch onto.

The Page of Pentacles reversed is an uncomfortable position — you may feel doubtful about your own expertise and desperate for more security but unsure where or how to get it.

However, this is not a time for major decisions, commitments, or jumping to conclusions.

Don’t jump onto the first ship you see out of fear that you’ll never see the ocean… or it may turn out to just be a raft.


The High Priestess (Reversed)

Gemini, your intuition has the answers… but you must be willing to listen.

The High Priestess reversed complicates your ability to listen to the inner voice that truly does know best.

In your heart of hearts, you contain a spiritual prowess and understanding that is indeed powerful and capable of shedding light on even the cloudiest of situations.

But this week shows you wrestling with self-doubt, and while that’s a very normal struggle, it’s important not to let it get the better of you.


7 of Swords (Reversed)

Cancer, don’t complicate what doesn’t have to be complicated.

The 7 of Swords reversed nudges you in the direction of clarity, honesty, truth, and straightforwardness.

The road ahead is not always paved with good intentions; others may try to get in your way through unsavory methods. However, letting jealousy, malice, or pettiness get the better of you here is not the right move.

Don’t acknowledge this behavior, and absolutely don’t mimic it. This week, the high road is the right road.


Queen of Swords

Leo is showing up in their expressive, thoughtful power this week.

Embodying the communicative, strong, and highly composed presence of the Queen of Swords, you’re ready to take the lead.

This is an ideal week for initiating (and finishing) negotiations and conversations, setting strong boundaries, and thoroughly thinking through the details of your plans of action.

You’re skillful, and you know what you’re doing, Leo. Trust yourself to make the right moves this week.


5 of Cups (Reversed)

Virgo, loss, and sadness are natural parts of the human condition, but we aren’t meant to wallow in them.

The 5 of Cups is ultimately a card of transition — the bridge between finding healing and newness and acknowledging what has happened in the past (even if it was painful and difficult).

However, the reversal notes that it may be overstaying its welcome now. 

Feeling your feelings is important, but it shouldn’t be overtaking your whole life either.


The Hermit (Reversed)

Libra may be known for their thoughtful disposition, but this week calls you into a different frame of mind.

With The Hermit reversed you may actually be taking the thoughtfulness a bit too far.

This week illuminates overanalysis and overthinking in your life. You may have circled around the truth so many times that it no longer seems real or easy to understand.

This week, you have to let yourself out of a thought cycle if it just seems to be looping around and around.



Scorpio is one sign of the zodiac that is usually very well-equipped to embrace intense change.

Well, you’re in luck if that’s what you’ve been looking for, as the Death card brings transformation of a large kind.

More specifically, you may feel personal shifts — changes of identity and heart, shifts in perspective, and a sudden openness to new, unexpected things.

Open your heart to the wondrous unknown that this card can bring, Scorpio.


4 of Pentacles

Sagittarius, we know that the realm of the material isn’t always your usual thing.

More of a wild philosopher at heart, dealing with finances and practical responsibilities for Sagittarius can require taking unconventional routes of action just to remain somewhat stable.

However, the 4 of Pentacles notes that this week, you may be tempted to cling desperately to what’s familiar, whether that’s a job title, responsibility, your finances, or something similar.

Just take note of this: while this impulse is understandable and very human, it can also prevent you from embracing new possibilities in this area of your life.


9 of Cups (Reversed)

Capricorn, what do you really want?

The 9 of Cups is also known as “the wish card.” It’s in this card that we reconnect with our deepest dreams and aspirations, the kind that we hold closest to the heart and our intuitions.

The reversal suggests that you may have let some of these inclinations go in favor of a more “practical” set of choices.

However, it’s time to re-evaluate what you truly desire, regardless of what seems “possible.” Let yourself dream, Capricorn.


Strength (Reversed)

Aquarius, the recipe for success lies within yourself.

Strength reversed asks you to look within. You may be feeling unbalanced, scattered, and uncertain.

However, you’re still the same strong, capable, and adaptable spirit that you have always been. You don’t need an external answer or a new set of options — just a re-evaluation of what you’re capable of handling.

Life can get hard sometimes, but you’re a tough cookie. You just need some help remembering it from time to time.


Wheel of Fortune (Reversed)

Pisces, we know what it’s like to feel disconnected from the Universe and uncertain about your fate.

Trust us — we all have feelings of doubt and dissatisfaction from time to time, or even just that general vibe that something is “off” without any rhyme or reason.

This week is all about exploring that “off” feeling with the Wheel of Fortune reversed on the table.

You don’t have all of the answers, and you don’t always know where everything is headed. But finding faith and trust in something (even just yourself) is an important aim to set for the week.

How to Make the Most of Your Tarotscope

Feeling like just one Tarot card isn’t enough? Or, on the flip side, are you unsure and overwhelmed by the possibilities it’s offered to you?

Don’t fret. Receiving a slew of insight and wisdom from the Tarot isn’t always going to make sense immediately, and sometimes we have to watch our life’s events actually play out in real time before we can process what the cards have to say.

But, of course, while these feelings are natural, there are steps you can take to ease the tension. We recommend:

  • Reviewing old insights to connect with the Tarot in a verifiable way
  • Trying a daily Tarot reading to ground the cards in your present-day

Related article: Locate Love With This 5-Card Tarot Spread

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