Your Weekly Astrology Forecast May 29 – June 4, 2023

woman with glasses and a telescope pointing to a new moon in a blue and orange sky

Are you ready for a week of spiritual energy, expansion, and exploration? Then keep reading to find out what magical astrology is heading your way this week!

This week, we experience one major mystical transit: a Full Moon in Sagittarius occurs on June 3rd – a potent and fiery transit sparks the flame of adventure within our souls. During this enchanting week, we are invited to embark on a journey of spiritual growth, mental exploration, and physical vitality. Let us delve into what we can expect and the practices that can help us align with the profound energies of this celestial event.

Under the influence of the Full Moon in Sagittarius, our spiritual aspirations soar to new heights, urging us to seek deeper connections with the universe and expand our consciousness. Engage in daily meditation or contemplative practices. Find solace in stillness and allow your thoughts to settle, creating space for insights and inspiration to flow.

Sagittarius, a sign associated with adventure and exploration, resonates deeply with the natural world. Spend time outdoors, immerse yourself in the beauty of nature, and meditate in serene surroundings to connect with the earth’s energy.

Cultivate a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around you. Ask thought-provoking questions, challenge preconceived notions, and seek answers that broaden your understanding of life.

Allow your imagination to run wild and give form to your thoughts through artistic expression. Engage in activities like painting, writing, or dancing to tap into your innate creativity.

Under the illuminating rays of the Full Moon in Sagittarius, our physical bodies crave movement and adventure. Engage in physical activities that ignite your passion for movement. Choose activities that infuse your body with vitality, whether it’s a vigorous yoga session, a brisk hike, or a dance class.

As the week unfolds, be open to the transformative energies of the Full Moon in Sagittarius. Embrace the call for spiritual expansion, mental exploration, and physical vitality. Allow yourself to step into the realm of possibility, where your inner flame dances in harmony with the celestial fire above. 

Through mindful practices, intellectual pursuits, and invigorating physical activities, you can harness the energy of this celestial event and embark on a week of personal growth, self-discovery, and soulful connection with the Universe.

May 29th – June 4th is a Week to Expand Your Mind & Your Spirit

Sagittarius invites us to broaden our horizons. Enroll in a class, pick up a new hobby, or delve into a subject you’ve always been curious about. Expand your knowledge and embrace the joy of learning. If circumstances allow, plan a short getaway or immerse yourself in the process of planning a future adventure. The act of dreaming and envisioning new places can uplift your spirits and infuse your life with a sense of anticipation.

How can you bring more spiritual, mental, and physical expansion into your life this week? 

Read this next: The Ultimate Guide to Full Moons

Planetary Locations During This Week

  • The Sun: Gemini (May 21, 2023 – June 21, 2023)
  • Mercury: Taurus (April 3, 2023 – June 11, 2023)
  • Venus: Cancer (May 7, 2023 – June 5, 2023)
  • Mars: Cancer (March 25, 2023 – June 20, 2023)
  • Jupiter: Taurus (May 16, 2023 – May 25, 2024)
  • Saturn: Pisces (March 7, 2023 – May 24, 2025)
  • Uranus: Taurus (Until April 25, 2026)
  • Neptune: Pisces (Until March 30, 2025)
  • Pluto: Aquarius (March 23, 2023 – June 11, 2023)

Daily Astrology Snapshots

Monday, May 29


Gemini – The stimulating Gemini Sun shines a spotlight on your mental processes and urges you to explore your creative thoughts and ideas today. It’s a great month for painting, writing, or learning about new subjects that interest you!


Libra – We become more social and playful while also being willing to strike up a debate. We are looking for ways to balance our work and play. It’s easy to get caught up in other people’s drama.

Tuesday, May 30





Astrological Aspect

Moon in Libra Trine Sun in Gemini – This transit brings harmonious communication and balanced emotional exchanges. It’s a favorable time for socializing, negotiating, and finding common ground in relationships. Avoid rushing into hasty decisions today.

Wednesday, May 31




Scorpio – When the Moon is in Scorpio, your emotions run deep, and you feel drawn towards the dark and mysterious. It’s a great day to explore metaphysical subjects and practices like astrology and Tarot.

Thursday, June 1





Astrological Aspect

Moon in Scorpio Square Mars in Leo – You can expect intense emotions and power struggles to arise. It is a time of passionate and intense energy that can fuel your desires and ambitions. Avoid becoming overly controlling or manipulative, as this transit may tempt you to use your power in destructive ways.

Read next: You Need These 6 Crystals for Gemini Season

Friday, June 2





Astrological Aspect

Venus in Cancer Trine Neptune in Pisces – This is a time to nurture and express compassion, fostering deep connections with loved ones.

Engage in creative activities, explore your intuition, and indulge in self-care practices to make the most of this harmonious energy. Avoid getting lost in idealistic fantasies or sacrificing your boundaries for the sake of others.

Saturday, June 3




Sagittarius – When the Moon is in Sagittarius, we feel more playful and optimistic. Let this bright mood take over and guide you toward new opportunities – as Sag’s ruler, Jupiter, brings good fortune.

Astrological Aspect

Full Moon in Sagittarius

Sunday, June 4





Astrological Aspect

Mercury in Taurus Conjunct Uranus in Taurus – Expect sudden and unexpected shifts in your thinking and communication patterns. This alignment may bring innovative ideas, a desire for independence, and change in your daily routines. Avoid stubbornness and rigid thinking today.

Next, join astrologer Terence Guardino for this week’s video astrology forecast.

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