Aries Weekly Horoscope

Aries Zodiac Sign

For the week of: Dec 16, 2024 - Dec 22, 2024

This week features a mix of mystical and practical energies, Aries. On the 18th, the Sun will reach out across the sky from boundless Sagittarius and your expansive 9th House of Adventure to form a tense square with mystical Neptune in your sleepy 12th House of the Subconscious. While the Sun is traveling through this high-minded sector of your chart, you can feel very driven by an urge to explore more of the world (even if only metaphorically) and really sink your teeth in, but your courageous aspirations might get thrown for a loop under this vibration. Don’t be shocked if you get hit with a case of the “what am I doing with my life?” thoughts, because this energy can make you majorly question your purpose. There is nothing wrong with doing a little introspective thinking, but don’t let it throw you for a loop because this transit will fade soon enough.

Come the 21st, the Sun enters Capricorn and your 10th House of Career and Public Reputation, bringing the cosmic concentration onto your professional efforts and achievements. The Sun will be moving through this sector of your chart for the next month, so get ready to roll up your sleeves and make it rain because the Universe is blessing all your efforts right now. Don’t think all the excitement is about to die down, though; Mercury is still weaving his way through Sagittarius for another few weeks, so don’t close yourself off from new ideas for the sake of getting things done in a tried and true manner. This is going to be a big period of manifestation; go forth into the world and make a name for yourself, and you could earn quite a few lovely rewards for your efforts.

Sunday arrives with a very different note as a balancing Half Moon in Libra and your 7th House of Relationships and Contracts lights up the skies, reminding you to touch base with the nearest and dearest in your life. Is there someone special who hasn’t been getting enough of your attention lately? If a relationship has hit the skids this could be just the right energy to get it back to where it belongs, so don’t be scared of reaching out and bearing your soul. That being said, if you’re more concerned with trying to find someone new to occupy the plus-one area in your life, this lunation could bring an option out of the woodwork.


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