Aries Weekly Horoscope

Aries Zodiac Sign

For the week of: Feb 17, 2025 - Feb 23, 2025

The snooze button is calling your name one minute this week, then you’re hitting the ground running the next. On the 18th, the Sun finishes up its journey through Aquarius and dives into Pisces and your sleepy 12th House of the Subconscious. For the next thirty days, the Universe wants you to focus on weeding out any unnecessary aspects of your life, be they toxic people, negative habits, or anything else that might be holding you back. You need to get rid of these things so that when the Sun blasts into your sign next month you’ll be ready with open arms to receive all the incredible bounty life is planning to bring your way. For now, however, remember that less is more and instead of trying to start new projects, focus on bringing them to completion instead. That’s where your satisfaction will lie for the time being.

The 20th gets punctuated with a balancing Half Moon in Sagittarius and your 9th House of Expansion and Boundless Horizons. You’ve been going through a lot of changes over the last few months as Jupiter moved through your sign; while the world has altered, so have you. Ask yourself, who is this new you? This is also your travel sector, and while you might want to avoid embarking on a trip now with your ruler Mars still retrograde, there’s nothing wrong with plotting out some future adventures for down the line when all the planets will be supporting you in your endeavors.

Speaking of Mars, even better news arrives on the 23rd when the red planet turns direct after spending the last ten weeks retrograde. Mars began this cycle in Leo and your expressive 5th House, but shifted back into Cancer and your domestic 4th House at the beginning of January. During this time, you may have felt overcrowded in your space, perhaps butting heads with a roommate or family member, or perhaps there were issues surrounding potentially moving, and yet you weren’t able to find anywhere that suits your needs. Fortunately, the tide is turning now that Mars is waking up and resuming course; it may not result in an overnight change, but you can begin to look forward to easier skies in the future, as well as easier times under your own roof. Mercury in Pisces and your dreamy 12th House will make a lovely trine to Mars at the same time, so rather interesting information could come to light at the same time.


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