Leo Sex Horoscope: Yesterday

Leo Zodiac Sign

Mar 05, 2025 - A lot of the other signs might be indulging in their desires or hitting the snooze button until noon, but not you, Leo. The planets are coming together in some of your most industrious and ambitious sectors, so it wouldn’t be one bit surprising if you’re up with the sun ready to get cracking at some major projects which will pay dividends for years to come.

The intuitive Moon is moving through hardworking Taurus and your 10th House of Career, which isn’t exactly sensual territory, though it can be very productive. Throughout the day la Luna will align with a number of planets overhead, so this hardworking energy is going to be very, very strong. Try to lean into these vibrations rather than fighting against them; you can go off and pursue your passions once you’ve clocked out for the day, but not before then.

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