Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Pisces Zodiac Sign

For the week of: Dec 16, 2024 - Dec 22, 2024

You may find yourself a little uncertain of how to act or present yourself this week, Pisces, and your will notice it in particular on the 18th. On this day, the Sun in Sagittarius and your ambitious 10th House of Career and Professional Reputation makes a rare square to Neptune in your own sign and 1st House of Self-Expression and Action, which could leave you feeling like you don’t know what you should do with yourself. The best way to behave under this alignment is to act with the same care you would engage during Mercury retrograde; don’t sign any contracts, don’t make any major purchases, and don’t agree to anything you can’t really accomplish. Hold off for now and you’ll be rewarded with real opportunities down the line, Pisces.

Regardless of this complicated transit, your life is about to get very busy, which might sound a bit daunting after the hectic month you’ve had. With the Sun lighting up your professional sector things have been a bit of a whirlwind, but happily there is a significant change in the wind as the Sun slips out of your ambitious 10th House and moves into Capricorn and your outgoing 11th House of Social Groups and Extended Networks on the 21st. For the next four weeks, people will prove their worth, and you can be sure this will include a few new acquaintances so keep your eyes open for potential collaborators. With messenger Mercury still spinning through your career sector until January 8th, you don’t need to worry that all the terrific energy and clout you’ve built up recently will suddenly disappear; rather, you now will get to enjoy the bounty of all your hard work as Mercury starts to bring the rewards you deserve in its wake.

Sunday arrives with a balancing Half Moon in Libra and your intimate 8th House of Shared Resources and Intimacy, setting a rather different tone in the energy. If there has ever been a time to disappear behind closed doors with someone special and throw away the key, it would most certainly be this one; you can let your fantasies take over without any guilt. This sector of your chart can also deal with big-money, so if there is an issue of credit or a loan or something along those lines on the table, it will likely be brought up for inspection at this time.


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