Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Pisces Zodiac Sign

For the week of: Jan 19, 2025 - Jan 25, 2025

The beginning of this week could feel rather strange, almost otherworldly. You’re in a particularly dreamy period as the Sun is now in your 12th House of the Subconscious, but on the 21st it will conjoin alchemical Pluto in this same sector, which could leave you feeling like you’ve tapped out of reality and have instead entered some sort of fantasy land where nothing is what it seems. Pluto can stir up a lot of feelings or worries if you aren’t careful, so if you feel a little off kilter, don’t spin out and instead find ways to bring calm into your life, knowing this combination will evaporate soon enough.

At the same time, the skies will host a balancing Half Moon in Scorpio and your 9th House of Expansion and Adventure. You’ve been going through a lot of changes over the last few months and it is time to ask yourself, Pisces, who is this new you? This is also your travel sector, and while you may not be able to go far right now, there’s nothing wrong with plotting out some future adventures for when you’ve got the time. This same House is all about expanding your horizons one way or another, so even cracking open a new book or diving into a documentary could make a world of difference.

Fortunately, there is a lovely energy coming your way later in the week, when on the 26th, romantic Venus will reach out from your sign and your 1st House of Self-Expression to form a harmonious sextile with rebellious Uranus in Taurus and your busy 3rd House of Local Community and Communications. On this day you could become privy to some very interesting information, or perhaps have a conversation that totally changes the game–especially in a romantic sense, since the Goddess of Love is making up one half of this alignment. Since Uranus is the planet of surprise, it is a little difficult to tell just what exactly it will be bringing your way, but thanks to the pleasant angle of the planets it looks as though you’ve got plenty of things to look forward to.

The 26th also incorporates a sextile between Mercury in Capricorn and your outgoing 11th House, and mystical Neptune in your own sign. This would be a wonderful time to get your friends together for a fun time out, because everyone will be buzzing and ready to mingle. Neptune doesn’t want you to force anything or try to control events, so let yourself go with the flow and you could wind up having a night to remember for years to come.


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