Sagittarius Sex Horoscope: Yesterday

Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

Feb 21, 2025 - You could well be in the mood for romance today, and it wouldn’t be entirely surprising if you think you’ve come across a golden opportunity to pursue it. The Moon is traveling through your sign and your 1st House of self-expression and action, so you’re a little more clued into the universe than usual.

Well, it might seem that way until Saturn, currently camped out in your 4th House of home and feelings, sends out a sobering objection. Saturn is in the midst of a three-year tour of your emotional sector, redefining your deepest core self, and along the way your relationships are going to be redefined in the process.

Perhaps someone who once stoked your fires no longer has the same sex appeal, or a relationship has hit stale territory in the bedroom. If you’re hoping to get things going again wait a few days for the planets to move on to friendlier and sexier skies.

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