Scorpio Love Horoscope: Yesterday
Dec 21, 2024 - Do you feel like you and your partner have a sense of friendship within your relationship? It's important that you have that be a foundation for your connection.
The Moon is in Virgo and in your 11th house and it is asking you to reflect on that. So often that is what forms the basis of a healthy and long-lasting relationship as it deeply matters that you have mental resonance with your lover as well as an emotional one.
Ask yourself how you can develop more of that within your relationship. Maybe it would be helpful to find activities that both you and your partner are interested in and go do them together!
Dec 21, 2024 - The primal Sun is leaving your money sector today, so wave goodbye and get ready to change your focus. That’s not to say you can’t still earn top dollar if you put your mind to it¬–if there’s any sign who can figure out a…
Dec 21, 2024 - You’re going to be extremely busy for the next month, Scorpio, so if you really want to get in some bedroom sports you’ll need to set aside time to hit the gym, if you catch my drift. The primal Sun is blasting into Capricorn…
Find out how compatible you and your partner are!