Scorpio Sex Horoscope: Tomorrow
Jan 23, 2025 - You’re known as the most sensual sign of the zodiac, Scorpio, and for good reason. Few people know how to enjoy the simple things in life, but few people also have a similar appreciation for the truly luxurious and stimulating quite like you do. Trust your instincts to know what–and whom–is worth appreciating today, even if things seem a little off at first.
The intuitive Moon is moving through your sign and your 1st House of self-expression, so you’re more keyed into your inner voice than usual. Throughout the day, however, la Luna will oppose rebellious Uranus at the exact same degree in the relationship sector of your chart, shaking things up and giving you a taste for the unusual. You normally know exactly what will stoke your fires and push the right buttons, but today something a little different might do the trick.
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Daily Tarot Reading
Pages in the Tarot represent messages or communication, and Pentacles in the Tarot represent the Earth element. But pages also represent youth or the early stages in a situation or question. The Earth element also encompasses Earth signs Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. When the Page of Pentacles arrives in your…
Let These Tarot Readings Help Guide You Through Your Day
Daily Crystal & Gemstone Reading
Citrine is a crystal that promotes optimism and positivity, making it one of the best crystals to use when protecting your aura and an excellent all-around stone to attract abundance to your life. Citrine is another form of Quartz, resonating with your inner child. Citrine is best when it is…