Scorpio Sex Horoscope: Yesterday

Mar 11, 2025 - You can manage to achieve quite a bit today, but whether that has anything to do with your sensual appetite is another matter entirely. That isn’t to say you can’t enjoy yourself and indulge your desires, but it just isn’t where the planets are guiding you today.
The Moon is in the midst of her monthly tour of your ambitious 10th House of professional progress and reputation, and before she moves on she’s sending out a very special call to a major luminary in the heavens.
While here, she’ll be looping adventurous Jupiter into the mix, so it wouldn’t be entirely surprising if you feel like you’re starting to outgrow your position in life right about now. You’re ready for something big to come your way, but what? It’s coming and it’ll be great, I just don’t think it’s going to be sex.
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