Taurus Weekly Horoscope
For the week of: Jan 20, 2025 - Jan 26, 2025
This week arrives with powerful opportunities for you to make a name for yourself, especially on the 21st when the Sun in Aquarius and your 10th House of Career will make its yearly conjunction to alchemical Pluto. You may embark on new projects or make a concerted effort to boost yourself up the ladder, and Pluto can give you a competitive edge that can assist you with this, so long as you don’t push anyone over on your way to the finish line. A very influential VIP could also prove useful at this time, so don’t be shy about asking for some wisdom or advice from a trusted source.
The 21st also features a balancing Half Moon in Scorpio and your 7th House of Relationships, reminding you to touch base with the nearest and dearest in your life. Is there someone special who hasn’t been getting enough of your attention lately? If a relationship has hit the skids then this could be just the right energy to get it back to where it belongs, so don’t be scared of reaching out and bearing your soul. This doesn’t apply just to romantic partnerships, but business relationships and platonic friendships as well, so long as you are operating as a two-person team without outside interference, so keep a open mind when it comes to whomever you may be dealing with.
This 26th arrives with a shocking alignment, albeit a rather pleasant one. Your ruler, Venus, will reach out from Pisces and your social 11th House to form a supportive sextile with revolutionary Uranus, currently spinning through your sign in the midst of a seven-year tour that will have you completely changing your approach to a great many areas of your life. On this day, you could have a rather pleasant social opportunity, perhaps getting together with friends if situations permit, or just connecting long distance for a much needed catch up. Since Venus rules romance among other things, perhaps a friend introduces you to someone with a lot of potential, or perhaps said friend decides to jump out of the “friend zone” and enjoy hotter territory. Since Uranus is in your 1st House of Self-Expression, don’t be scared to do things differently; yes, you’re not exactly known for being one to rock the boat, but a little change never hurt anyone.
The 26th also witnesses a special sextile between Mercury in Capricorn and your adventure sector, and magical Neptune in Pisces and your 11th House of Networks. This would be a wonderful time to meet new people and do anything and everything you can to expand your own personal horizons, because you could discover some really exciting and lovely things if only you take the time to break out of your shell. Your sign can occasionally be a bit guilty of getting stuck in a rut and sticking to the tried-and-true, so do your best to change up the program because the results could absolutely be worth it.