Taurus Weekly Horoscope

Taurus Zodiac Sign

For the week of: Mar 24, 2025 - Mar 30, 2025

Welcome to a week that could prove very transformative for you, though it may not feel that way at first. On the 27th, Venus will retrograde into Pisces, then Mercury will do the same a couple days later on the 29th, changing the tone for something less fiery and much more dreamy. Both planets are currently retrograde, with Mercury turning direct on April 7th and Venus following suit on the 12th, but before then, each of these planets will conjoin magical Neptune on the same day that they return to the sign of the Fish, encouraging us all to put on our rose-colored glasses, which would be lovely in theory, except that with both planets asleep at the wheel, we might be blinding ourselves to some very important red flags we really don’t want to miss, so it is important we don’t let ourselves get carried away with any new passions or projects just because the mood strikes.

The 29th also included the annual New Moon in Aries, shining a light on your sleepy 12th House of the Subconscious. This is a very spiritual part of your chart, and really puts a big focus on letting go of things or removing old behaviors from your life so that you can be a better version of yourself. While letting go of things can sometimes be difficult, this lunation just so happens to also be a powerful Solar Eclipse, so you won’t have much choice in the matter, either way; get ready to lighten your load, and the benefit of this is that you can then start adding lots of new things on to your plate. There isn’t any reason to fear that something will end that isn’t meant to, because eclipses are very much fated events, opening and closing destined portals, so you can trust that whatever enters or exits your life at this time is doing so for a reason, even if you can’t quite fathom it just yet.

There is one final change before the week comes to a close, and that is when Neptune will leave behind Pisces and step into Aries and your 12th House of Endings and Fantasy for the first time since the 1800s, welcoming you into a new cycle that will be playing out for roughly the next fifteen years, as Neptune slowly but surely redefines your relationship with spirituality and mental health and all the things that the 12th House governs, from inspiration and creativity to our preferred methods of escapism and avoidance. Neptune will only be here until October, when it will retrograde back into Pisces for one final visit, but it will then return to Aries for good in spring of 2026, so consider the next few months to be a preview of what Neptune will be bringing into your life.


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