Virgo Sex Horoscope

Virgo Zodiac Sign

Mar 25, 2025 - Today has a lot to offer you, and you can indeed make a lot of progress if you try, but that energy is pointing you in the direction of the boardroom, rather than the bedroom, so things may feel great, but that doesn’t mean they are going to feel sexy.

You are indeed in a responsible mindset while the Moon marches through your efficient 6th House of Daily Work and Routine, which is great for getting things checked off your to-do list, but not so much for getting busy between the sheets.

This professional energy will only continue to grow when the Moon trines Jupiter in your 10th House of Career, boosting you up the ladder even further, so that you can’t help but race towards your own personal finish line. This will indeed keep you busy, but who is to say how you spend your time once you clock out for the day? Work hard, and then you can play hard.

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