Virgo Sex Horoscope: Tomorrow

Virgo Zodiac Sign

Feb 23, 2025 - You’ve been dealing with a lot of different people lately, which shouldn’t be one bit surprising considering you’ve had action-planet Mars hitting the snooze button in your 11th House of social groups and global communications.

When the cosmic sex god goes retrograde in this sector of your chart you can assume you’ll be running into a few people from your past, and among those few people may have been at least one person with a few questioning heart emojis floating overhead. If any old flames returned to you, or perhaps someone you once thought of strictly as a friend decided to hop out of said zone and move onto the field in an effort to play a more serious game, it’s time to start sizing up those people for real.

Mars goes direct today, so you can only hold people at arms’ length for so long.

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