Taurus Sex Horoscope: Tomorrow

Taurus Zodiac Sign

Apr 01, 2025 - Today has five-stars written all over it, and while some signs will be enjoying this energy in very romantic ways, for you these heavenly vibrations are going to be more platonic than passionate. The Moon is in the midst of her monthly two- day tour of your sign and your 1st House of self-expression and action, which can always leave you feeling a little more exposed than usual.

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it can be if you don’t like wearing your emotions on your sleeve. Fortunately that shouldn’t cause any problems thanks to the Moon sending out a very supportive angle across the heavens to abundant Venus in your outgoing 11th House.

With this energy overhead it’s much more likely that friends will be calling for you to come out and play rather than any lovers inviting you into their bedroom, but you never know; a friend could introduce you to someone who turns out to match all your criteria.

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