Libra Weekly Horoscope

Libra Zodiac Sign

For the week of: Oct 13, 2024 - Oct 19, 2024

Your ruler, loving Venus, is going to be quite busy this week, and it could prove very much to your benefit. Venus is currently moving along through Scorpio and your luxurious 2nd House of Earned Income and Material Wealth, and on the 14th it will reach out across the sky to form a tense opposition to Uranus, the planet of surprise, in Taurus and your 8th House of Shared Resources. Be extra careful about spending right now, and if you’ve any outstanding debt then you need to start getting that sorted out. Someone could emerge from the woodwork to lend you a helping hand financially, but you could also find you need to turn that money right around to pay off a bill, so temperance is the name of the game. If you’re careful and considerate you can emerge from this just fine, if not better; it’s when you act foolishly that you’ll regret it.

Next, on the 15th, Venus will reach out from this money-loving sector of your chart and form a harmonious trine to dreamy Neptune, currently spinning through Pisces and your 6th House of Daily Work and Health. On this day you could possible meet a new client or receive news about a new job that could be especially helpful and lucrative, but Neptune can also dissolve things, so it is possible you might find yourself leaving a job or client, preferably for one more in line with what you want out of your work.

Come the 17th, Venus will exit Scorpio and slide into sociable Sagittarius and your vocal 3rd House of Local Community and Communications, where she’ll be operating for the next four weeks. During this heart-warming transit you can express yourself without reserve, and in turn people will be more willing to open up after the mercurial last few months. You can finally get on the same page as someone, so don’t be scared to start with a blank one. Likewise, you’ll find more exciting and interesting experiences and people just by spending more time exploring your local neighborhood, so even if you think you know your area, approach it with fresh eyes and you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

The Full Moon in Aries will also illuminate the heavens on the 17th. This Full Moon will be lighting up your 7th House of Partnerships and Contracts, so this could mark a major milestone for you and someone special. If you’ve been operating in “maybe” territory with a plus-one this transit could see you finally enter into something more official. Likewise, if you’ve been single for longer than you’d prefer this transit could bring someone with major potential into your life. This sector also deals with contracts, so it is possible a job offer or some sort of major agreement might be on the table, but make sure you’re only signing off on things you know to be a solid win.


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