Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Scorpio Zodiac Sign

For the week of: Sep 02, 2024 - Sep 08, 2024

This could be a rather fun week for you, Scorpio, and quite a social one as well, if you want it to be. This energy comes to a huge crescendo right off the bat on the 2nd with a Virgo New Moon lighting up the skies and you 11th House of Global Connections and Social Networks, bringing people front and center. This cycle offers you a fresh opportunity to connect with like-minded souls who feel like a true part of your tribe. By the time the Virgo Full Moon rolls around in six months you could be celebrating your status as a bonafide, card-carrying member of a group or organization you’ve always dreamed of being a part of. It’s always nice to feel like you belong, Scorpio, right?

The next major moment occurs on the 4th, when action-planet Mars leaves your all-or-nothing 8th House, and moves on to Cancer and your adventurous 9th House of Expansion. This transit is all about getting out into the world in order to do some exploring, but even if you can’t go very far, you can still be something of an armchair explorer rather than a literal one, and broaden your horizons by learning a thing or two about other sectors of the globe. This same sector is also the realm of self-edification, so start looking up ways to improve yourself because by improving yourself you can also improve your net worth; new skills means new things you can charge for. If going back to school sounds appealing, then how about checking out some online courses? You could gain a lot of knowledge without having to leave your own home, but there’s lots to be found far, far away.

Saturday, meanwhile, arrives with a kick in the pants as the Sun in Virgo and your 11th House of Social Groups forms a tense opposition to sober Saturn in Pisces and your passionate 5th House of Romance and Creativity. Under such an alignment you might find there is a bit of a juxtaposition between what you want to do and what other people want to do; perhaps you have some big plans for everyone, but then when it comes times to implement them no one seems to be on board, or perhaps you’d rather share with people what you’ve been working on lately, only to turn around and get less praise than you expected. Don’t let anyone rain on your parade; this transit is only temporary, so don’t worry it’s a permanent vibration.


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