Aquarius Sex Horoscope

Aquarius Zodiac Sign

Dec 22, 2024 - This is a really lovely day to get out and enjoy yourself, and it seems like there won’t be much standing in your way. The Moon is flying through your 9th House of Adventure, so you’re not in the mood to entertain any sort of limitations, regardless of whether you’re pursuing more mundane matters or something different along the line of sensual encounters.

Your own desires will flare when the Moon then trines alchemical Pluto in your own sign, giving you that extra drive to chase after something exciting and stimulating. It could be a little difficult to temper your own fire under this energy, so although it’s great to receive so much firepower from the universe, be wary of getting a bit too hot in the process. You don’t want to burn yourself or anyone else, for that matter.

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