Aquarius Sex Horoscope: Tomorrow

Aquarius Zodiac Sign

Mar 29, 2025 - You are going to be very busy for a hot minute, so accept that while your day-to-day life feels like a bit of a whirlwind, your nights might be a little less exciting as you try to rest up and regain your energy from all that running around you’ve been doing.

Today’s spectacular New Moon illuminates your buzzy 3rd House of Local Communities, so you could find yourself pinging around your neighborhood like a pinball ricocheting off every bumper it comes across.

While you’re so busy pleasures might have to take a backseat, but if you’ve been on the lookout for a new bedroom buddy then so much more the better to get out and see what’s going on right now because chances are you’ll come across someone you never thought you’d find in a million years. What is someone like YOU doing in a place like THIS?

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