Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Aquarius Zodiac Sign

For the week of: Jan 27, 2025 - Feb 02, 2025

It’s time to put on your thinking cap and start brainstorming, Aquarius. Messenger Mercury has spent the last couple of weeks spinning through your sleepy 12th House of the subconscious and while he’s been treading ever so slowly it’s been more than a little difficult to find a way to properly formulate your ideas. Whenever any planet happens to be moving through the 12th House it can be rather difficult to get a hold of their powers. Come the 27th, however, you can finally start to think clearly as the messenger planet zooms into Aquarius and your 1st House of Self-Expression and Action for the next few weeks. During this phase you’ll be a lightning rod for all the gold nuggets of information circulating out in the universe; likewise, if you’ve been chipping away at a project behind the scenes your big debut could be right on the horizon. Get ready to speak your mind.

This exciting energy gets underlined on the 29th, when the annual Aquarius New Moon lights up the skies and your 1st House. This is like your personal new year, so even if it feels like 2025 just got started, you have another chance at making some resolutions. This is a time of initiation that will be open to you for about two weeks, so if there is something you’ve been hoping for–really, anything you want–then start making moves towards it because the planets will be supporting you in your endeavors. By the time the corresponding Aquarius Full Moon arrives in six months, you could be a totally different person, and you’ll be quite happy with the change.

On the 30th, your ruler, rebellious Uranus, will wake up after spending the last five months retrograde in Taurus and your foundational 4th House of Feelings and Family, causing more than a few upsets on the home front. In the weeks to come you’ll be able to make more positive progress that will enable you to find more space and comfort under your own roof, so there’s something to look forward to. If you’ve been thinking about changing up your current location for a new place to hang your hat then this energy can also help you suss out just the right option for you. It’s always wonderful to feel at home in the world.

Something shiny could catch your eye over the weekend. The 1st arrives with a lovely conjunction between luxurious Venus and magical Neptune, both in Pisces and your 2nd House of Earned Income and Material Security. Under this alignment you could receive a lovely reward for all your hard work; if there’s ever been a time to ask for a raise, this would be it. You could also come across something that you just simply have to have, but it is important not to make any huge splurge purchases right now, because you could come across a much better deal, or perhaps something shiny loses its luster as soon as you sign the receipt. Take your time and don’t jump into anything, but you can certainly window shop.


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