Aries Sex Horoscope

Aries Zodiac Sign

Mar 30, 2025 - This is going to be a rather intense day, and while some signs will be dealing with these intense matters in certain sexual scenarios, I’m not really seeing that for you as well. The Moon is currently moving through your grounded 2nd House of Earned Income and Material Possessions, so you’re likely concerned with more practical matters for the time being.

Today, however, la Luna squares off against power player Pluto in your 11th House of Social Groups and Global Communications, which means some people could work their way out of the woodwork and rear their heads when you least expect or want it.

From the look of things your peers won’t be the most supportive right now, and that includes any romantic partners, so take time away from the crowds and focus on your own business right now; things will turn for the better in a few days.

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