Gemini Daily Horoscope: Yesterday

Mar 25, 2025 - Limitations exist and there are indeed boundaries and barriers throughout the world, but the lovely thing is that those won’t be holding you back, not today, anyway. The Moon is flying along through your boundless 9th House of Expansion and Adventure, giving you a taste for the exotic and the unknown.
While it is moving through this sector, the Moon will reach out to make a lovely trine with lucky Jupiter in your own sign and 1st House of Self-Expression and Action, giving you a special boost that will push you forward and help you leap over anything standing in your way.
Don’t think you can’t do something or are incapable before you’ve even tried, because soon you will realize that you have more abilities than you ever realized. What is waiting for you on the other side is immense satisfaction, so don’t sit back and let it pass you by.
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