Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Gemini Zodiac Sign

For the week of: Mar 24, 2025 - Mar 30, 2025

You are going to emerge from this week in a very different state than when you entered it. Come the 27th, Venus will retrograde back into Pisces and your 10th House of Career and Professional Reputation, where she will remain until finally turning direct again on April 12th, but on the 27th she will also conjoin mystical Neptune in this same sector, making it easy for you to coast along on the work you have already completed and the success you have previously enjoyed. Mercury will follow suit and do the exact same thing on the 29th, and will turn direct here on April 7th, but with both planets retrograde in your career sector until then, beware embarking on any new ambitions, and instead use this time to wrap up loose ends and improve projects already in the works.

The 29th also included a potent New Moon in Aries and your 11th House of Social Groups and Global Communities, kicking off a whole new six-month cycle of finding your soul tribe or a group of friends that feels more in keeping with your own needs and values. Since this lunation just so happens to also be a game-changing Solar Eclipse, you can be sure that the lay of the land will change a great deal in the weeks to come, and that a whole slew of people will start to clamor for your attention as they try to recruit you to one cause or another. The good news is that this group of people is very much meant to find you, so don’t worry you’ll wind up surrounded by people who don’t vibe with you. This sector also wants to reward you for the hard work you accomplished in the 10th House, so you may notice that there are more enjoyable times on offer and it feels like you are finally getting to enjoy the fruits of your labor, so make the most of it.

Neptune continues to take center stage for the rest of the week, and will be making monumental moves on the 30th when it leaves behind Pisces and your ambitious 10th House and steps into Aries and your communal 11th House, which it hasn’t done since the 1800s. Neptune will be here until October, when it will retrograde back into Pisces for one final visit, before settling down in Aries next spring for roughly the next fifteen years, initiating a major transformation in the way you connect with all kinds of people and what value you allow them to bring into your life, and likewise how you bring value into other people’s lives. This will not be a quick process by any means, but it will be a very important one that will be with you for quite some time.


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