Libra Weekly Horoscope

For the week of: Mar 24, 2025 - Mar 30, 2025
This week will have you feeling like you’re looking in two directions, Libra, though know that every sign is dealing with that in its own way. The 27th arrives with your ruler, Venus, retrograding out of Aries and your 7th House of Relationships and backing up into Pisces and your efficient 6th House of Daily Work and Wellness, where it will almost instantly conjoin Neptune in this same sector, casting a veil over reality and making it almost impossible to put your nose to the grindstone. Two days later, on the 29th, Mercury will copy this exact same program and make its own moves back into Pisces where it will blend with Neptune, before eventually turning direct again on April 7th, with Venus following suit on April 12th.
The 29th also includes the Solar Eclipse New Moon in Aries and your 7th House of Partnerships and Contracts, bringing a fresh burst of energy to your most important connections. Couples could see their relationships moving to a next level or strengthening their bond with more permanent ties, while singles will have the best luck in literal years to find someone new, so if you’ve been hoping for an improvement to your relationship status, this energy could help you bring in major changes, but don’t be shocked if it doesn’t happen overnight. Eclipses open up major six-month windows of opportunity, sometimes even year-long windows, while the average New Moon tends to work with two-week windows, so know that you have plenty of time to make use of this transition. This can also impact professional connections or platonic ones, so don’t think exclusively in terms of romance, though that is certainly on the table.
Neptune takes top billing on the 30th when it leaves behind Pisces and enters Aries for the first time since the 1800s. Neptune will be here until October, when it will retrograde back into Pisces, before finally settling down in Aries for roughly the next decade and a half come spring of 2026. For now, however, you are embarking on the beginnings of a new journey of redefining your relationships and the expectations you place on other people and your own personal powers of self-reliance and how you compose yourself in partnerships. This will be a very long journey, so it will hardly feel like an overnight change, but you will surely catch glimpses of what is to come over the next few months.