Libra Weekly Horoscope

Libra Zodiac Sign

For the week of: Feb 17, 2025 - Feb 23, 2025

You can start to make professional progress again this week, which might sound rather appealing after spinning your wheels as of late. On the 18th, the primal Sun blasts into Pisces and your orderly 6th House of Daily Work and Routine, encouraging you to roll up your sleeves. For the last four weeks you had the Sun moving through Aquarius, but it’s finally time to buckle down and get serious about your obligations. Since this sector of your chart rules your workaday routine, don’t be surprised if you see things begin to pick up at the office–or wherever it is you go to earn your paycheck–because that’s exactly where your attention will be focused for the time being. This same sector deals with clients and co-workers, so other people may step forward to be more helpful than usual; let them be of assistance because it could prove to be very useful.

The 20th arrives with a Half Moon in Sagittarius and your 3rd House of Local Community and Communications, making it the perfect time to go circulate. Have you fallen out of touch with a few people during these last couple of months? Reach out to a few friends you haven’t heard from, or perhaps a sibling or other family member, and spend some time reconnecting. You’ll be surprised how much it does for your emotional state, and could lead to a rather exciting encounter or two; this is no time to hide yourself away.

The best moment of the week arrives on the 23rd when Mars turns direct in Cancer and your 10th House of Career and Professional Reputation. Mars has been retrograde since last December when it went to sleep in Leo and your 11th House of Social Networks, but in January it backed up into Cancer, making it almost impossible for you to feel like you are making any meaningful professional progress. Perhaps projects got discussed but then never executed, or you had to wait on bosses or other VIPs to give you the green light, but now that is changing as Mars resumes correct course. It will take some time to pick up proper speed, but you will host the red planet here into April, so you have time to make changes and get back on the proper track, headed in the direction of your choice. Upward and onward!


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