Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Scorpio Zodiac Sign

For the week of: Jan 26, 2025 - Feb 01, 2025

There is a shift in your thinking early this week, Scorpio, when messenger Mercury moves into Aquarius and your 4th House of Home and Family on the 27th. For the last few weeks, the cosmic communicator has been flying through Capricorn and your buzzy 3rd House of Local Community and Communications, so to say you’ve been busy would be an understatement. This transit was likely all the more wired thanks to the fact that Mercury made more than a few tough angles during his time here, but now it’s time to take a step back from the social whirlwind and hang up the ‘do not disturb’ sign as Mercury waves goodbye to this sector and slips Aquarius and your 4th House of Home and Family for the next few weeks, making this the perfect time to focus on everything happening under your own roof. You can enjoy more time with family, make new changes to your space, and even host a few get-togethers at Chez Scorpio.

This energy gets majorly amplified on the 29th with a beautiful New Moon in Aquarius, setting off a whole new cycle of nesting and emotional connecting that is sure to give you all the feels. Even if you’re a little tired of spending time under your own roof, this lunation marks a chance to freshen things up and make you feel a little more at home, if you will. Perhaps you can host a small party at your place, or you might have a really lovely day with a roommate or family member. Likewise, if you’ve been thinking about redecorating or renovating this would be the perfect occasion. There’s lots of potential at this time, so go on and grab hold of it.

Uranus will also be active this week, as it will be waking up on the 30th after spending the last five months spinning backwards in retrograde formation through Taurus and your 7th House of Relationships. It’s more than possible that during this time, your partnerships went through some difficult alterations, leaving you feeling more than a little powerless, but now those changes will begin to help you, as opposed to hinder you, so don’t think you’re doomed to keep hitting a wall when it comes to the people in your life. If you’re single and looking to change your status, then this cycle can help bring new potential partners into your world, so keep your eyes peeled for any new developments, because they could be very promising.

You have a truly lovely next few days ahead of you, so get ready to lean into the positive vibrations. Things reach a special crescendo on the 1st when pleasure-loving Venus forms its once-a-year conjunction to magical Neptune in Pisces and your 5th House of Passion, which makes for one of the most pleasant days of the year. This sector of your chart is all about having fun, so give yourself permission to enjoy life as much as you possibly can. Since Venus rules all the pleasures in life, you can anticipate this theme of fun and romance to be extra amplified. Don’t hide yourself away, and if any initiations arrive then make sure you say yes, because they could lead to some of the most wonderful experiences you’ve had in ages. Get ready to kick your legs up and go dance in the sun.


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