Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Scorpio Zodiac Sign

For the week of: Feb 24, 2025 - Mar 02, 2025

This week could be a rather enjoyable one, Scorpio, provided you don’t put all your eggs in one basket or expect too many overnight developments. The 25th arrives with a beautiful New Moon in Pisces and your 5th House of Passion, Creativity, and Self-Expression. This is a wonderful opportunity to plant the seeds of something that could bring a lot of happiness into your life, so don’t be scared to put your energy into something special and new. This could signal a time for romance, but it is really about making sure that you’re doing whatever it is that you want to do, and not worrying too much about anyone else or their opinion. The 5th House is also very artistic territory, so feel free to let the Muse out to play! You never know what wonderful projects you can manifest if you don’t give yourself the opportunity to do just that.

A few days later, on the 1st, Venus turns retrograde for the first time in about eighteen months. Venus is currently orbiting through Aries and your 6th House of Work and Routine, and while she has been moving ever so slowly through this sector of your chart she has been blessing your daily life with her helpful aid, but now she is going to leave you to your own devices and you’ll have to put in a little more effort to get the results you hope for. Take off those rose-colored glasses and get to grips with reality because there is no more room for fantasy or a half-assed approached. Venus will actually back up into Pisces and your passionate 5th House at the end of March before turning direct again in mid-April, but for now focus on the nuts and bolts of your life, for that is the easiest way to make easy improvements.

Fortunately, the weekend closes out on a rather magical note when Mercury and dreamy Neptune come together at the same degree in Pisces and your 5th House of Romance and Creativity for their once-a-year conjunction, which is a powerful and healing time. Since this transit is occurring in such a special sector, really make sure to lean into it; if you’re single then get swiping on an app and you could meet someone with major potential, or you should most certainly flex your creative muscles a bit. Coupled Scorpios could have majorly romantic nights in with their partner, so don’t think you need to act like an old married couple just because you are one. Celebrate the lovely romance in your life, and you’ll have an evening to remember for a long time to come.


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