Taurus Sex Horoscope: Yesterday

Mar 25, 2025 - You can make leaps and bounds today, covering territory in the blink of an eye, but there is very little chance that your efforts will lead you in the direction of the bedroom. The reason for this is that the Moon is currently in your 10th House of Career Goals and Professional Reputation, giving you every reason to put your best foot forward and see how far you can go.
This energy will get majorly amplified when the Moon locks into a lovely trine with lucky Jupiter in your 2nd House of Earned Income and Material Wealth, giving you even more reason to get to work, knowing that the effort you exert now can pay off very handsomely.
However, as you can see, none of this is especially sensual energy, so you may simply find yourself far too occupied on the professional front to even consider disappearing behind closed doors with someone special.
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