Libra Sex Horoscope: Tomorrow
Jan 23, 2025 - What do you really want out of life, Libra? Ask yourself that as you move through the world today because chances are you could be rather surprised when the answer comes to you from right out of left field. The Moon is traveling through sensual Scorpio and your grounded 2nd House of values and security, so what makes you feel good and feel truly like yourself are coming into sharp focus right now.
While you tend to have a pretty good gauge on the things that spike your excitement and the things that don’t, today the Moon will oppose rebellious Uranus, the planet of surprise, at the exact same degree. When these two heavenly bodies come into contact with one another we can be sure that things won’t go according to plan, not that that’s necessarily a bad thing but it does bring up a lot of questions. What¬–and whom¬–has the power to satisfy you? The answer might surprise you.
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Daily Tarot Reading
Pages in the Tarot represent messages or communication, and Pentacles in the Tarot represent the Earth element. But pages also represent youth or the early stages in a situation or question. The Earth element also encompasses Earth signs Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. When the Page of Pentacles arrives in your…
Let These Tarot Readings Help Guide You Through Your Day
Daily Crystal & Gemstone Reading
Citrine is a crystal that promotes optimism and positivity, making it one of the best crystals to use when protecting your aura and an excellent all-around stone to attract abundance to your life. Citrine is another form of Quartz, resonating with your inner child. Citrine is best when it is…