Virgo Weekly Horoscope
For the week of: Jan 20, 2025 - Jan 26, 2025
You may feel especially driven to achieve early this week, and to use your time as efficiently as possible. This is due to the Sun and Pluto coming together in Aquarius and your 6th House of Daily Work and Routine on the 21st, stirring up the energy and perhaps a few opportunities for you to kick butt at the office, or wherever it is you go to earn your paycheck. Co-workers or clients could bring some drama your way, but so long as you don’t have a dramatic reaction then there isn’t any reason you can’t make the most of this energy. Roll up your sleeves and keep your head down.
The 21st also gets punctuated by a Half Moon in Scorpio and your 3rd House of Local Community and Communications. Have you fallen out of touch with a few people during these last couple of months? Reach out to a few friends you haven’t heard from, or perhaps a sibling or other family member, and spend some time reconnecting. You’ll be surprised how much it does for your emotional state. This is also just a great time to hit the town and see what’s going on in your neighborhood; you may discover a few new spots that quickly become favorite haunts.
Later in the week we witness a surprising yet helpful alignment on the 26th between pleasure-loving Venus in Pisces and your 7th House of Relationships, and rebellious Uranus in Taurus and your 9th House of Expansion and Foreign Cultures. With these two planets coming together, you could anticipate an especially wonderful time with a special someone, with an additional touch of the unexpected. Uranus is in the midst of a seven-year tour of Taurus, redefining the way you connect with the world and relate to people who come from different backgrounds than yourself, and on this day you could be exposed to something very thrilling and exotic, either because of a partner, or perhaps the situation itself leads you to meeting someone with major partner potential. Since Uranus is all about throwing us curveballs, it’s rather difficult to tell just what exactly he’s got in the pipeline, but with Venus in alignment, it’s safe to say you’ll be able to knock it out of the park.
The 26th will also witness a sextile between your ruler Mercury in Capricorn and your fun-loving 5th House of Passion and Creativity, and Neptune in Pisces and your 7th House of Relationships. This could be a really wonderful and fun day to spend with someone special, whether they are already by your side or you’ve just met them. That being said, avoid putting too much emphasis or expectation on another person, as Neptune can occasionally blur boundaries and reality. Fortunately, the angle between these planets is a positive one, so as long as you don’t let yourself get carried away then you should have nothing to worry about.